Happy 2021!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

What can I say about 2020 that hasn’t already been said? The trials and tribulations we’ve endured the past 366 days were crazy to put it lightly.

So, instead of treading on the negatives we already know, I’d like to share a list of things that got me through 2020:

My faith•My family•Knowing I wasn’t alone in this situation•Graduating from College•Animation and Cartoons•TikTok (follow me! @brookepatrice)•Sleep•Journaling•My Weekly Script Reading Group•Singing and Music

I'm so thankful for each of these things; they made the year a bit more bearable. I hope you also have some things that got you through 2020, things that may continue to support and inspire you into 2021.

As for this new year (again, finally), I’ll be honest, I’m not one for resolutions… but I am one for words. Every year, I like to pick a word or two to focus on for the year. When faced with big questions or choices or when working on myself, I’ll turn to these words for guidance.

Speaking of which, my first word: focus. I would like to continue to focus on what is important to me, along with focusing on new challenges in my future. My next word is bravery. Life after graduation is a trek into the unknown in itself, but graduating during a pandemic? Only my fellow graduates can know that feeling. But I am not going to let fear get in my way; I’ll put on my brave face and spirit, and venture into the next path.

I pray we all may continue to pursue and do the things that got each of us through 2020, and I’m hoping for a better and brighter year for our industry, our country, and our world.

Love, Brooke Patrice


New Job Alert!


I’m a College Graduate!